Home Properties Why Is It Important to Convert Paper Land Title to e-Title

Why Is It Important to Convert Paper Land Title to e-Title


We know that land titles are important documents for all real estate properties. But, if you have plenty of properties most likely it would be unorganized and bulky to keep paper land titles. Worse scenario may happen such as unexpected calamities that may damage the documents.

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To ensure that all your land titles will be secured, you may consider converting them into e-Title. There are several reasons why you should consider e-Titles.

  • Converting your documents into digitized forms is a good way to prevent potential real estate scams. There are instances in which some unscrupulous people have been using spurious and fake land titles. But, if you have e-Titles you’ll have peace of mind that this won’t happen to you. The digitized form will be kept in an online Registry of Deeds vault.
  • Engaging in real estate sale transactions will be a lot easier and convenient. Verification of a specific property ownership history may be less stressful. It would be easier to obtain certified true copies of the documents.
  • Mortgage processing will be quicker. The time of processing a home loan can be reduced as well as the verification of authenticity can be done within few minutes.
  • In case the land titles are destroyed or lost, you can avoid the complex process of reconstitution once you have e-Titles.

Indeed, the main objective of e-Titles is to provide efficient service to all property owners so that they can proactively manage their properties.

Watch also the video here from Land Registration Authority