Home Business Ideas How to Register Business Name Online

How to Register Business Name Online


If you want to operate your business legally, it should be properly registered and secure the necessary permits and licenses.

Registering your business with the Department of Trade and Industry seems to be tedious as it involves many tasks. The good thing is that you can spare yourself from the long lines because you can do the registration process online.


If the business is conducted through sole proprietorship, then it should be registered with the DTI. There are things to consider when registering the business names as follows:

  • The proposed name should not be offensive or scandalous
  • Similar to an existing registered business and should not infringe any trademark
  • Purely of geographic or generic words
  • Used to distinguish or designate
  • Should not be misleading or misrepresent the true nature of the business
screenshot ©PBR

Steps to register business name online

1. The first step is to log in to business.gov.ph/web/guest/pbr-registration and the page of Acceptance of BNRS Terms and Conditions will open. Read and understand everything before clicking “I Agree”.

2. As you proceed, you’ll be required to choose the coverage of your venture under the Business Scope either barangay, city, regional or national. The fee varies depending on the scope you’ve chosen.

3. Under the “Check Name Availability”, you will indicate the proposed business name. This will help you know if there’s no duplicate or similar name.

4. In case there’s no similar name, the next step is filling out the “Owner’s Details and Residence Address” box. Make sure that all the required fields are completed.

5. Next, you will choose the “Payment Method” such as DTI’s e-Payment facility, Bancnet or GCash. You also need to download the method you want to receive the business name certification from DTI. Check everything to ensure that all information is correct and accurate.

6. After downloading the e-copy of your certification, take note of the Transaction Reference Number Acknowledgment as you’ll need it when you pay online.

7. Click the “Online Payment” and settle your fee through your chosen facility. Print the DTI Certificate and the registration receipt. Otherwise, the certificate is void without the receipt.

The business name registration certificate is one of the requirements in securing business permits and clearance in the barangay and city where your business is established.