Home Business Ideas Top Business Ideas for Students in the Philippines

Top Business Ideas for Students in the Philippines


The cost of education in the Philippines is just continually increasing, and it is almost the same in any part of the world. It only goes to show how it is becoming more difficult for parents to send their children to school, especially when they are about to go to college.


This is the reason why many students also consider working while going to college, but not everyone can do it because of time constraint.

The good thing is that there are actually small business ideas that students can consider in order to earn money on the side. Here are some of these businesses.

1. Tutoring services. If you are an expert in a specific subject, you can use your expertise in order to earn extra cash. You can offer tutoring services to your classmates or other students who are having difficulty in the subject you are good at.

2. Freelance writing jobs. Freelance writing is another business that students can start on campus, especially when they have a knack for a particular niche. You can make money from your writing skills by going to some freelance websites or even writing for those who need help with their papers.

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3. Web designing services. Another excellent business that will surely help students earn profit is web designing. Millions of people are accessing the internet every day and many companies, big and small, need the expertise of those who are capable of creating their websites for them.

4. Photography and videography. Millennials, especially the students nowadays love to capture beautiful photos of people, places and events. For students who have an eye for capturing perfect moments, making money on the side will be easy by offering their photography an videography services.

5. Students can earn from the blogs they write. If you are passionate about something, you can start your own blog too, and the higher the traffic to your site, the higher your income.

6. Events organizing. Most students are engrossed in getting involved in school events and many other events outside the school, and this is something that you can bank on, especially when you are very particular to details, being organized, and at the same, if you have creative concepts to make wonderful and entertaining events.