Home Business Ideas Best Business Ideas for Teen Entrepreneurs in the Philippines

Best Business Ideas for Teen Entrepreneurs in the Philippines


Not everybody has a flair for business. Not everyone has this passion, as well as the skills and talent to start and pursue a business idea. However, there are some people who really have this desire in their hearts to be a successful business owner even at a young age.

This dream is something that should be embraced. It is should not be taken for granted, and that’s because age does not really determine the success of a person when it comes to entrepreneurship. Anyone can find their own success in whatever industry they’re in, regardless of how young they are.

For the youngsters and teens who want to be financially independent at your young age by starting a business, this article is for you. Here are some excellent teens business ideas that you can explore.


1. Photography is one of the booming businesses in the Philippines because this is very important in many important events and occasions in families as well as businesses. If you have an eye for great photos, this is something that is worth trying. Start volunteering your services for small events of some friends and relatives. Build your name from here and you will eventually become popular one day.

2. The internet is a perfect place for people, especially for teens, to express themselves. If you have a knack for writing about a specific niche like travel, food or fashion, they earn money by putting up your own blogsite. It will feel fulfilling to get paid for something that you enjoy doing.

Read also: Homebased Online Business Ideas


3. Homemade pastries and sweets. For teens who are still on summer vacation, or those who can squeeze in time for baking during weekends, this one is for you. If you know how to bake cakes, or cupcakes, pastries and other sweets, earn money by posting that you are accepting orders on the social media. You do not have to have a bakeshop to start this business now. You can do this on your free time. But if you observe that you are becoming successful at this, you may want to have your own pastry shop one day.

4. Online retail business. The internet and social media is an excellent venue for selling. You can either sell brand new clothes and accessories if you have a small capital, or you can sell pre-loved clothes, shoes and bags, so you can collect a start-up capital for another business later on.